Frequently Asked Questions

We have put together some of the most frequently asked questions to help to answer any questions you may have before you embark on your project.

General Questions

How much is delivery?

How long will it take to receive my order?

Do you deliver outside of the UK mainland?

What product is right for me?

What is your returns policy?

Are samples available?

Emperor Masonry Paint

Why should I use Emperor Masonry Paint instead of a standard masonry paint?

How do you apply Emperor Masonry Paint?

What surfaces is Emperor Masonry Paint suitable for?

How has Emperor Masonry Paint been tested?

What is the coverage of Emperor Masonry Paint?

What conditions must be present to apply Emperor Masonry Paint?

What is the drying time of Emperor Masonry Paint?

Can colours vary?

Can Emperor Masonry Paint be applied to previously painted walls and will this cause future problems?

Do I need a primer when using Emperor Masonry Paint?

What does the Emperor Masonry Paint lifetime guarantee cover?

Colour Matching

Which colours can’t you match?

I haven’t ordered enough paint and now I need more. If I order more, will the shades still match?

Can I return colour matched paint?

What if my colour match isn’t exactly as I expected, what I can do next?

What can I do to give you all the information you need to match my colour?

Is colour match paint available on next working day delivery?

Can I cancel or amend my order?

What happens if there is a problems with my colour?

Emperor Masonry Creme

What is Emperor Masonry Creme?

What is the difference between a masonry cream and masonry sealer?

How do you apply Emperor Masonry Creme?

What surfaces is Emperor Masonry Creme suitable for?

What conditions must be present to apply Emperor Masonry Creme?

What is the drying time of Emperor Masonry Creme?

How has Emperor Masonry Creme been tested?

What is the coverage of Emperor Masonry Creme?

How many coats do I need to apply?

Can Emperor Masonry Creme be applied to previously painted walls?

What does the Emperor Masonry Creme lifetime guarantee cover?

Emperor Wood Waterproofer

What is the difference between Emperor Wood Waterproofer and other wood treatments?

How do you apply Emperor Wood Waterproofer?

What surfaces is Emperor Wood Waterproofer suitable for?

How has Emperor Wood Waterproofer been tested?

Didn't answer your question?

Our dedicated team are on hand to help you no matter what the problem is.

You can get in touch with us by emailing info@emperorpaint.co.uk, calling 0161 509 9009 
or by chatting to us on Whatsapp.