10 Year Guarantee

Emperor Wood Waterproofer Guarantee

Why do we offer a 10 year guarantee?

Our product isn't like others. It chemically bonds to the substrate itself rather than create a film on the surface. Emperor Wood Waterproofer also prevents a build-up of moisture which leads to failure, thanks to both our super hydrophobic and highly breathable formulation. All of this combines to create extreme durability in any weather conditions. How do we know this? In independent testing conducted by a UKAS accredited laboratory, Emperor Wood Waterproofer was found to have no change in performance or appearance after 25 years of harsh weathering, which is why we have complete confidence it will withstand any conditions for a minimum of 10 years.

Emperor Wood Waterproofer on wooden gate

What we need

It couldn't be simpler. All we need from you is two things:

1) A copy of your original invoice.

2) Photo or video evidence of the failure, so that our technical team can identify how the failure may have been caused and provide full assistance on how to best address the failure.

Don't worry, you do not need to register this guarantee with us at any point, all customers who purchase Emperor Wood Waterproofer qualify for the 10 year guarantee.

The ultimate protection for all
bare, natural exterior wood

Frequently Asked Questions

How has Emperor Wood Waterproofer been tested?

What is covered in the 10 year guarantee?

Is it easy to apply?

How is Emperor Wood Waterproofer different to a wood sealer?

What can Emperor Wood Waterproofer be applied to?